Day 15 Ireland

Last day in Ireland and we fly home tonight, I’m so ready for home, I’m ready for my own bed, a fridge full of becks blues, less people, early nights, days to myself.

I didn’t get to post yesterday as I ended up in bed at 7pm feeling like complete crap, I’m not sure what it was, I think maybe to much sun (yes in IRELAND!) and not enough water, I had a pounding headache and was exhausted, I put myself to bed and didn’t move till 8am this morning, I still feel a bit grotty but nothing like last night. I’m hoping a nice hot shower and 10 cups of tea will revive me.

I’ve a job interview tomorrow, I’ve done zilch preparation for it and now I’m starting to get nervous, will read up on the journey home, do some research tonight and hope that something sticks.

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