Day 16

Made it home – yay! We did have a 1.5 hour delay that very very nearly sent me to the airport bar but I ended up in WH Smith with a Diet Coke and crisps instead – is it really mean that I now only buy salt n vinegar flavour because hubby doesn’t like them and I can eat them all myself? Anyways I think the urges came from the end of a holiday which had involved a lot of family (his not mine and as much as I love them, a week is enough), lots of late nights, the flight delay annoyance and maybe a slight self sabotage of today’s job interview I.e ‘it’s not that I’m not good enough to get the job it’s just that I wasn’t on top form due to a hangover’. Whatever it was I didn’t cave.

The interview went as well as I could hope, I don’t think I could have done more or done things different. I’ll find out the results tomorrow morning.

I am now shattered, late nights, early start, dropped adrenaline from the interview, so tonight involves bath and bed.

Sweet dreams xx

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